terça-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011
Solstício de Inverno
O Inverno
Velho, velho, velho.
Chegou o Inverno.
Vem de sobretudo,
Vem de cachecol,
O chão onde passa
Parece um lençol.
Esqueceu as luvas
Perto do fogão:
Quando as procurou,
Roubara-as um cão.
Com medo do frio
Encosta-se a nós:
Dai-lhe café quente
Senão perde a voz.
Velho, velho, velho.
Chegou o Inverno.
Eugénio de Andrade
Velho, velho, velho.
Chegou o Inverno.
Vem de sobretudo,
Vem de cachecol,
O chão onde passa
Parece um lençol.
Esqueceu as luvas
Perto do fogão:
Quando as procurou,
Roubara-as um cão.
Com medo do frio
Encosta-se a nós:
Dai-lhe café quente
Senão perde a voz.
Velho, velho, velho.
Chegou o Inverno.
Eugénio de Andrade
Desvendado o mistério da origem de Stonehenge
Uma equipa de investigadores afirma conhecer a
origem exacta de algumas das pedras de Stonehenge, um monumento
megalítico da Idade do Bronze, localizado perto de Amesbury, em
Wiltshire, na Inglaterra.
Durante muito tempo suspeitou-se que as rochas eram oriundas das
colinas de Preseli. Agora uma investigação do Museu Nacional do País de
Gales e da Universidade de Leicester, revela que as pedras são de uma
zona localizada a 70 metros do Craig-y-Felin Rhos, perto de Pont Saeson,
no norte do condado de Gales.O director do museu, Richard Bevin, acredita que esta descoberta vai ajudar a perceber como foram deslocadas as pedras até Wiltshire. Durante 9 meses Bevin e Rob Ixer, do centro de Leicester, recolheram e identificaram amostras de rochas em Pembrokeshire, situado na costa do País de Gales, na tentativa de perceber a origem das pedras que edificam o monumento que é Património Mundial da Humanidade. Aalisando o conteúdo mineral e a textura das rochas descobriram que 99% das amostras se assemelhavam às rochas de Pembrokeshire.
São rochas vulcânicas, riolitos, que, segundo ambos especialistas diferem dos outros afloramentos do sul do País de Gales e que se encontram exclusivamente numas centenas de metros quadrados. Depois de conhecida a origem, os arqueólogos terão de descobrir como vieram as pedras de Pembrokeshire para Stonehenge. Durante muito tempo, os especialistas questionaram-se sobre o transporte utilizado entre os 3.000 anos e 1.600 a.c.. Pensava-se que grandes lajes tivessem sido movidos em balsas através do rio Avon e do Canal de Bristol. O problema é que Pont Saeson está a norte de Preseli, a alguma distância desses corpos de água, o que complica essa hipótese. Uma alternativa é que tenha sido a própria natureza a mover as pedras de Stonehenge através de um glaciar da Idade do Gelo, mas como não há outras rochas com a mesma proveniência nessa parte do País de Gales essa opção também é pouco provável.
No ano 2000 realizou-se um teste movendo uma pedra gigante de Gales para Salisbury por terra e mar, uma viagem de 714 quilómetros, usando apenas a força muscular e as técnicas dos seres humanos de há 5.000. A pedra acabou enterrada no estuário de Milford Haven.
quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2011
Polo Sul: a grande aventura de Scott e Amundsen tem 100 anos
Há 100 anos, o norueguês Roald Amundsen escreveu uma página hoje
lendária na história da exploração polar, ao ganhar a corrida ao Polo
Sul, pondo fim a um duelo épico e mortal com o britânico Robert Falcon
Scott. No dia 14 de Dezembro de 1911, em vésperas da Primeira Guerra
Mundial, num período marcado pelo auge dos nacionalismos, Amundsen foi o
primeiro a fincar uma bandeira, junto com os quatro companheiros de
equipa, no ponto mais austral do mundo.
Foi a vitória do escandinavo pragmático sobre o oficial da marinha inglesa. Ambos sonhavam com conquistas: o norueguês cobiçava o Norte, e o inglês, o Sul. "Não conheço nenhum homem que tenha estado um dia num lugar tão diametralmente oposto ao seu objecto de desejo como eu estava naquele momento", escreveu Amundsen sobre a sua façanha. De facto, foram as circunstâncias que o levaram à Antárctida.
Scott e Amundsen: um objectivo, duas estratégias
Em plenos preparativos para se dirigir ao Polo Norte, Amundsen soube que os americanos Robert Peary e Frederick Cook haviam anunciado, cada um por sua vez, terem conquistado o Norte. Eram informações e declarações muito controversas, mas convenceram-no a buscar um outro horizonte. Em Agosto de 1910, dirigiu-se ao sul às escondidas. Foi só em Outubro que Scott leu um telegrama, na Austrália: "Tomo a liberdade de informá-lo de que Fram dirige-se à Antárctida. Amundsen". O "Fram" era o veleiro da expedição.
Os britânicos, que fizeram da conquista do Polo uma questão de honra, sentiram-se desafiados. A corrida tinha começado... As duas expedições chegaram à ilha-continente em janeiro. Nos primeiros meses, dedicaram-se a testar o material e a montar depósitos de víveres ao longo das rotas previstas. Uma vez passado o inverno austral, com a sua escuridão e as temperaturas glaciais, Amundsen, que levantara acampamento para mais perto do Polo, foi o primeiro a lançar-se à aventura, no dia 20 de Outubro.
Ao observar detalhadamente os esquimós, durante a sua histórica travessia da Passagem Noroeste (1903-1906), Amundsen tinha tirado valiosas lições, como a importância dos cães puxadores de trenó e a superioridade da pele de rena em relação às roupas de lã. Para melhorar a mobilidade, os trenós tornaram-se, metodicamente, mais leves e os esquis - uma prática na qual os noruegueses são mestres - foram bem polidos. Além de serem velozes, os cães são também comestíveis: dos 52 animais que partiram, muitos foram sacrificados e comidos.
Na equipa adversária, os ingleses levavam "artilharia pesada", muito pesada: além dos cães, tinham dois trenós motorizados que avariaram logo, assim como póneis inadequados, que acabaram por morrer. Depois de partir, no dia 1 de Novembro, a expedição de Scott progredia com grandes dificuldades. Por não ter meios de tracção adequados, os homens tinham que carregar equipamento pesado num clima inóspito.
No dia 16 de Janeiro de 1912, quando estavam perto do seu objectivo, os cinco britânicos encontraram marcas de trenós. Amundsen tinha-se adiantado a eles!
Ao chegarem ao Polo, um mês depois dos rivais, encontraram uma tenda de campanha coroada com a bandeira norueguesa. "Meu Deus, este lugar é horrível", escreveu o inglês em seu diário.
O retorno dos ingleses foi uma verdadeira via-crúcis, com temperaturas de 42°C abaixo de zero. Muito debilitado, um dos homens morreu. Depois, outro, com os dedos dos pés carcomidos pela gangrena. No meio de uma terrível tempestade de neve, os três sobreviventes ficaram presos na tenda, e morreram congelados e famintos, a menos de 18 km do depósito de alimentos mais próximo. O último registro do diário de Scott datava de 29 de Março.
Amundsen já estava há mais de três semanas na Tasmânia, de onde anunciou a sua façanha ao mundo. Para os noruegueses, que haviam conseguido a independência da Suécia anos antes, ele era um herói nacional.
Depois do Polo Sul, o Polo Norte
Amundsen chegou finalmente ao Polo Norte em 1926, num dirigível, concretizando o seu sonho. Morreu dois anos mais tarde no seu amado Árctico, num acidente com um hidroavião francês que tinha partido para resgatar o explorador italiano Umberto Nobile, seu rival.
Os corpos do "perdedor magnífico" Scott - herói também no seu país - e dos seus companheiros de equipa foram encontrados em Novembro de 1912.
Antárctida, a última fronteira
O fascínio pela Antárctida - o continente mais longínquo e inóspito do planeta - não era novo quando Scott e Amundsen começaram a planear as suas viagens. Para as nações europeias, esta era a última fronteira. A grande massa gelada já tinha sido avistada antes, mas foi só no século XIX que se confirmou que a 'terra australis' era um continente.
A Antárctida era um desafio científico, mas também um espaço de afirmação do poder e da capacidade das nações. Foram vários os exploradores que, antes de Scott e Amundsen, fizeram viagens exploratórias com diferentes objectivos - que não necessariamente atingir o Polo Sul. O balanço destas missões foi muitas vezes positivo em termos do conhecimento geográfico e científico, mas as perdas humana era frequentes. Numa época em que os exploradores contavam quase exclusivamente com a sua resistência física e psicológica para enfrentar as condições extremas do meio, sem tecnologia que lhes facilitasse a vida, o frio, o esforço e as dificuldades em garantir alimentos ditaram a sorte de vários exploradores - sendo o caso de Scott e da sua equipa o que mais abalou o mundo.
Terra de todos, terra de ninguém
O território antárctico não pertence actualmente a nenhum estado, embora haja vários países a reclamar a soberania de partes do continente - reivindicações que não são aceites pela comunidade internacional.
O Tratado da Antártida de 1959, assinado por 12 países, regulamenta o estatuto e o tipo de actividades permitidas no continente: a Antárctida é considerada como reserva ambiental para investigação científica e não são permitidas actividades militares. Alguns protocolos foram sendo assinados de forma a impedir a exploração de recursos naturais. As visitas turísticas são restritas, mas há já preocupações quanto ao impacto que os visitantes podem ter no ecossistema austral.
A presença humana na Antárctida - o único continente sem população humana nativa - faz-se sentir hoje em dia sobretudo pelos cientistas que trabalham em várias dezenas de estações científicas de diversos países - uma população permanente que oscila entre os 1100 investigadores durante o inverno e os cerca de 4400 no verão. Biólogos, geólogos, meteorologistas e astrónomos, entre outros, levam a cabo estudos que seriam inviáveis em outros locais do planeta. A Antárctida é especialmente adequada aos estudos astronómicos, devido à limpidez da atmosfera, e tem sido um ponto de referência para a monitorização da camada de ozono desde há várias décadas.
Pierre-Henry Deshayes (AFP) e Ana Gomes (SAPO)
Foi a vitória do escandinavo pragmático sobre o oficial da marinha inglesa. Ambos sonhavam com conquistas: o norueguês cobiçava o Norte, e o inglês, o Sul. "Não conheço nenhum homem que tenha estado um dia num lugar tão diametralmente oposto ao seu objecto de desejo como eu estava naquele momento", escreveu Amundsen sobre a sua façanha. De facto, foram as circunstâncias que o levaram à Antárctida.
Scott e Amundsen: um objectivo, duas estratégias
Em plenos preparativos para se dirigir ao Polo Norte, Amundsen soube que os americanos Robert Peary e Frederick Cook haviam anunciado, cada um por sua vez, terem conquistado o Norte. Eram informações e declarações muito controversas, mas convenceram-no a buscar um outro horizonte. Em Agosto de 1910, dirigiu-se ao sul às escondidas. Foi só em Outubro que Scott leu um telegrama, na Austrália: "Tomo a liberdade de informá-lo de que Fram dirige-se à Antárctida. Amundsen". O "Fram" era o veleiro da expedição.
Os britânicos, que fizeram da conquista do Polo uma questão de honra, sentiram-se desafiados. A corrida tinha começado... As duas expedições chegaram à ilha-continente em janeiro. Nos primeiros meses, dedicaram-se a testar o material e a montar depósitos de víveres ao longo das rotas previstas. Uma vez passado o inverno austral, com a sua escuridão e as temperaturas glaciais, Amundsen, que levantara acampamento para mais perto do Polo, foi o primeiro a lançar-se à aventura, no dia 20 de Outubro.
Ao observar detalhadamente os esquimós, durante a sua histórica travessia da Passagem Noroeste (1903-1906), Amundsen tinha tirado valiosas lições, como a importância dos cães puxadores de trenó e a superioridade da pele de rena em relação às roupas de lã. Para melhorar a mobilidade, os trenós tornaram-se, metodicamente, mais leves e os esquis - uma prática na qual os noruegueses são mestres - foram bem polidos. Além de serem velozes, os cães são também comestíveis: dos 52 animais que partiram, muitos foram sacrificados e comidos.
Na equipa adversária, os ingleses levavam "artilharia pesada", muito pesada: além dos cães, tinham dois trenós motorizados que avariaram logo, assim como póneis inadequados, que acabaram por morrer. Depois de partir, no dia 1 de Novembro, a expedição de Scott progredia com grandes dificuldades. Por não ter meios de tracção adequados, os homens tinham que carregar equipamento pesado num clima inóspito.
No dia 16 de Janeiro de 1912, quando estavam perto do seu objectivo, os cinco britânicos encontraram marcas de trenós. Amundsen tinha-se adiantado a eles!
Ao chegarem ao Polo, um mês depois dos rivais, encontraram uma tenda de campanha coroada com a bandeira norueguesa. "Meu Deus, este lugar é horrível", escreveu o inglês em seu diário.
O retorno dos ingleses foi uma verdadeira via-crúcis, com temperaturas de 42°C abaixo de zero. Muito debilitado, um dos homens morreu. Depois, outro, com os dedos dos pés carcomidos pela gangrena. No meio de uma terrível tempestade de neve, os três sobreviventes ficaram presos na tenda, e morreram congelados e famintos, a menos de 18 km do depósito de alimentos mais próximo. O último registro do diário de Scott datava de 29 de Março.
Amundsen já estava há mais de três semanas na Tasmânia, de onde anunciou a sua façanha ao mundo. Para os noruegueses, que haviam conseguido a independência da Suécia anos antes, ele era um herói nacional.
Depois do Polo Sul, o Polo Norte
Amundsen chegou finalmente ao Polo Norte em 1926, num dirigível, concretizando o seu sonho. Morreu dois anos mais tarde no seu amado Árctico, num acidente com um hidroavião francês que tinha partido para resgatar o explorador italiano Umberto Nobile, seu rival.
Os corpos do "perdedor magnífico" Scott - herói também no seu país - e dos seus companheiros de equipa foram encontrados em Novembro de 1912.
Antárctida, a última fronteira
O fascínio pela Antárctida - o continente mais longínquo e inóspito do planeta - não era novo quando Scott e Amundsen começaram a planear as suas viagens. Para as nações europeias, esta era a última fronteira. A grande massa gelada já tinha sido avistada antes, mas foi só no século XIX que se confirmou que a 'terra australis' era um continente.
A Antárctida era um desafio científico, mas também um espaço de afirmação do poder e da capacidade das nações. Foram vários os exploradores que, antes de Scott e Amundsen, fizeram viagens exploratórias com diferentes objectivos - que não necessariamente atingir o Polo Sul. O balanço destas missões foi muitas vezes positivo em termos do conhecimento geográfico e científico, mas as perdas humana era frequentes. Numa época em que os exploradores contavam quase exclusivamente com a sua resistência física e psicológica para enfrentar as condições extremas do meio, sem tecnologia que lhes facilitasse a vida, o frio, o esforço e as dificuldades em garantir alimentos ditaram a sorte de vários exploradores - sendo o caso de Scott e da sua equipa o que mais abalou o mundo.
Terra de todos, terra de ninguém
O território antárctico não pertence actualmente a nenhum estado, embora haja vários países a reclamar a soberania de partes do continente - reivindicações que não são aceites pela comunidade internacional.
O Tratado da Antártida de 1959, assinado por 12 países, regulamenta o estatuto e o tipo de actividades permitidas no continente: a Antárctida é considerada como reserva ambiental para investigação científica e não são permitidas actividades militares. Alguns protocolos foram sendo assinados de forma a impedir a exploração de recursos naturais. As visitas turísticas são restritas, mas há já preocupações quanto ao impacto que os visitantes podem ter no ecossistema austral.
A presença humana na Antárctida - o único continente sem população humana nativa - faz-se sentir hoje em dia sobretudo pelos cientistas que trabalham em várias dezenas de estações científicas de diversos países - uma população permanente que oscila entre os 1100 investigadores durante o inverno e os cerca de 4400 no verão. Biólogos, geólogos, meteorologistas e astrónomos, entre outros, levam a cabo estudos que seriam inviáveis em outros locais do planeta. A Antárctida é especialmente adequada aos estudos astronómicos, devido à limpidez da atmosfera, e tem sido um ponto de referência para a monitorização da camada de ozono desde há várias décadas.
Pierre-Henry Deshayes (AFP) e Ana Gomes (SAPO)
domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011
Copyright outfit pirated music
The Dutch copyright-lobbying outfit Brein is in hot water with a Dutch musician for pirating one of his tunes.
Melchior Rietveldt was commissioned by the Dutch copyright-lobbying group Brein to compose an anthem for an "anti-piracy" video. Brein licensed his work for a single use but it went on to use it in shedloads of anti-piracy ads run at the start of DVDs which hector about the evils of piracy when you have actually bought the product in the first place.
Rietveldt who has been looking up the RIAA's figures about what piracy costs has decided that the infringement is worth a million euros. After all his tunes have been on tens of millions of Dutch DVDs. He alerted the local music royalty collecting agency Buma/Stemra and demanded compensation, but to his frustration he heard very little from the outfit. It seems that when collecting cash for music the outfit is not interested it taking one its own to the cleaners.
But the story gets a little worse. According to Boing Boing, a Buma/Stemra board member Jochem Gerrits contacted the Rietveldt with an interesting proposal. Gerrits offered to help out the composer in his efforts to get paid for his hard work, but the music boss wanted 33 per cent of all the money set to be recouped as a result of his efforts. In otherwords, we know we ripped you off and I want a cut of what you will make back.
Melchior Rietveldt was commissioned by the Dutch copyright-lobbying group Brein to compose an anthem for an "anti-piracy" video. Brein licensed his work for a single use but it went on to use it in shedloads of anti-piracy ads run at the start of DVDs which hector about the evils of piracy when you have actually bought the product in the first place.
Rietveldt who has been looking up the RIAA's figures about what piracy costs has decided that the infringement is worth a million euros. After all his tunes have been on tens of millions of Dutch DVDs. He alerted the local music royalty collecting agency Buma/Stemra and demanded compensation, but to his frustration he heard very little from the outfit. It seems that when collecting cash for music the outfit is not interested it taking one its own to the cleaners.
But the story gets a little worse. According to Boing Boing, a Buma/Stemra board member Jochem Gerrits contacted the Rietveldt with an interesting proposal. Gerrits offered to help out the composer in his efforts to get paid for his hard work, but the music boss wanted 33 per cent of all the money set to be recouped as a result of his efforts. In otherwords, we know we ripped you off and I want a cut of what you will make back.
sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2011
Cientistas desvendam profecia maia do “fim do mundo em 2012”
Arqueólogos de diversos países reuniram-se no
Estado de Chiapas, uma área com muitas ruínas maias no sul do México,
para discutir a teoria apocalíptica de que essa antiga civilização
previra o fim do mundo em 2012.
A teoria, amplamente conhecida no país e contada aos visitantes
tanto no México como na Guatemala, Belize e outras áreas onde os maias
também se estabeleceram, teve sua origem no monumento nº 6 do sítio
arqueológico de Tortuguero e num ladrilho com hieróglifos localizado em
Comalcalco, ambos centros cerimoniais em Tabasco, no sudeste do país.O monumento nº 6 do sítio arqueológico de Tortuguero faz alusão a um evento místico que ocorreria no dia 21 de dezembro de 2012, durante o solstício do inverno, quando Bahlam Ajaw, um antigo governante do lugar, se encontra com Bolon Yokte´, um dos deuses que, na mitologia maia, participaram do início da era atual. Até então, as mensagens gravadas em "estelas" (monumentos líticos, feitos num único bloco de pedra, contendo inscrições sobre a história e a mitologia maias) eram interpretadas como uma profecia maia sobre o fim do mundo.
Entretanto, segundo o Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e História (Inah), uma revisão das estelas pré-hispânicas indica que, na verdade, nessa data de dezembro do ano que vem os maias esperavam simplesmente o regresso de Bolon Yokte´. "(Os maias) nunca disseram que iria haver uma grande tragédia ou o fim do mundo em 2012", afirmou o investigador Rodrigo Liendo, do Instituto de Investigações Antropológicas da Universidade Autônoma do México (Unam). "Essa visão apocalíptica é algo que nos caracteriza, ocidentais. Não é uma filosofia dos maias."
Durante o encontro realizado em Palenque, que abriga uma das mais impressionantes ruínas maias de toda a região, o investigador Sven Gronemeyer, da Universidade Australiana de Trobe, e a sua colega Bárbara Macleod fizeram uma nova interpretação do 6º monumento de Tortuguero. Para eles, os hieróglifos inscritos na estela referem-se à culminação dos 13 baktunes, os ciclos com que os maias mediam o tempo. Cada um deles era composto por 400 anos. "A medição do tempo dos maias era muito completa", explica Gronemeyer. "Eles faziam referência a eventos no futuro e no passado, e há datas que são projetadas para centenas, milhares de anos no futuro", afirma.
A céptica explicação científica e histórica vai de encontro à crença popular no México, um país onde há quem procure adquirir os conhecimentos necessários para sobreviver com o seu próprio cultivo de alimentos no caso de uma catástrofe mundial. Muitos dos que vivem fora procuram regressar ao país porque sentem que precisam de estar em casa em 2012, e há empresas que oferecem espaço em bunkeres subterrâneos, com todas as comodidades.
Afinal, o possível fim do mundo também é negócio. O próprio governo mexicano lançou uma campanha para promover o turismo no sudeste do país, onde estão localizados os sítios arqueológicos maias.
Fonte: http://www.bbc.co.uk
quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011
Cientistas testam lentes de contacto que projetam hologramas
Estamos cada vez mais perto de podermos consultar
os nossos e-mails através de projecções holográficas realizadas pelas
nossas lentes de contacto. Esta tecnologia que poderá ter inúmeras
aplicações está ainda em fase de testes mas os cientistas estão
optimistas quanto à sua viabilidade.
Uma equipa de investigadores das universidades de Washington, nos
Estados Unidos, e de Aalto, na Finlândia, responsáveis pelo
desenvolvimento desta lente referem que os primeiros testes não
indicaram efeitos secundários.Estas lentes poderão ser utilizadas em diferentes áreas desde a mobilidade, videojogos e saúde. Poderia ser usada por motoristas para visualizarem mapas através da realidade virtual ou verificar a velocidade do carro projectada no para-brisas. Também poderão revolucionar o mundo dos videojogos ou estar ligadas a biossensores corporais para fornecerem informações bioquímicas como o nível de açúcar no sangue.
Por enquanto, o protótipo ainda precisa de ser aperfeiçoado antes de chegar ao mercado. É necessário adaptar uma fonte segura de energia e utilizar na sua concepção apenas materiais não prejudiciais para o olho. Normalmente, a construção de circuitos eléctricos envolve materiais inorgânicos, altas temperaturas e produtos químicos tóxicos.
Apesar das limitações que a tecnologia ainda apresenta os cientistas expressaram o seu optimismo num artigo publicado na revista científica Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering.
Babak Praviz, coordenador da equipa de investigação, refere que o grupo já conseguiu adaptar a lente para permitir ao olho humano focalizar um objecto gerado na superfície. Esta é uma grande conquista uma vez que normalmente só conseguimos ver com clareza objectos localizados a vários centímetros de distância. “O próximo passo é acrescentar textos pré-determinados nas lentes de contacto."
Contudo, Praviz indica que a sua equipa não é a única a desenvolver esse tipo de tecnologia. A companhia suíça Sensimed já colocou no mercado lentes de contacto inteligentes que usam tecnologia de informática para monitorizar a pressão intraocular em situações de glaucoma.
Fonte: www.bbc.co.uk
sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011
Veículo robotizado que vai explorar Marte lançado hoje de Cabo Canaveral
A viagem programada até Marte vai demorar oito meses e meio e percorrer 570 milhões de quilómetros.
O "Curiosity" pesa uma tonelada e é do tamanho de um carro. Trata-se de um veículo, que possui vários instrumentos para obter diferentes amostras do solo e das rochas de Marte, podendo analisá-las no local, tendo para o efeito um máquina laser.
O robot vai passar dois anos a procurar vestígios de que Marte tenha tido ou ainda tenha formas micróscópicas de vida.
A missão custou 2,5 biliões de dólares, tendo milhares de convidados da NASA assistido ao lançamento no Centro Espacial Kennedy.
O "Curiosity" pesa uma tonelada e é do tamanho de um carro. Trata-se de um veículo, que possui vários instrumentos para obter diferentes amostras do solo e das rochas de Marte, podendo analisá-las no local, tendo para o efeito um máquina laser.
O robot vai passar dois anos a procurar vestígios de que Marte tenha tido ou ainda tenha formas micróscópicas de vida.
A missão custou 2,5 biliões de dólares, tendo milhares de convidados da NASA assistido ao lançamento no Centro Espacial Kennedy.
quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011
Marshall Space Flight Center
“A wide field meteor camera at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center recorded this spectacular meteor breaking up in Earth’s atmosphere on Sept. 30, 2011, 8:37 p.m. EDT. Also visible is a star-like object moving slowly toward the upper middle of the field of view — the upper stage of the Zenit booster that launched the Russian Cosmos 2219 intelligence satellite back in 1992. Orbiting 500 miles above Earth, this empty rocket body can get bright enough to be seen with the unaided eye.”
quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2011
sexta-feira, 15 de julho de 2011
quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2011
“Airbags” para salvar a pirâmide mãe do Egipto.
A pirâmide do faraó Zoser (2687 a.C – 2668 a.C.), que se encontra em muito mau estado depois de ter sobrevivido a um terramoto em 1992, mantém-se em pé com a ajuda de uns enormes “airbags”, enquanto uma equipa de peritos britânicos e egípcios trabalha numa estrutura para curar os danos.
"Enfrentamos um problema pouco comum: existem toneladas de pedras irregulares dispostas sobre pressão na abertura dos 8 metros quadrados que formam o tecto da câmara funerária ", explica o especialista Peter James, director da Cintec, a empresa britânica responsável por estabilizar a estrutura. "A questão era como segurar os blocos sem mover nem alterar nenhuma das forças que actuam sobre eles. Qualquer modificação poderia provocar um colapso imediato”, assegura Peter James.Esta empresa de engenharia encontrou a solução na inovação utilizada pelas tropas britânicas no Afeganistão. A invenção consiste numa bolsa de água que ajuda a atenuar o efeito dos artefactos explosivos. Fabricadas com o mesmo tecido e adaptadas às diferentes formas da cúpula da câmara funerária, 18 enormes bolsas de ar foram colocadas no interior da pirâmide com o objectivo de “impedir que a estrutura ceda antes das descargas de compressão”.
Este suporte provisório ajudará a equipa a restaurar o tecto da câmara funerária, que devido às forças sísmicas, perdeu a sua forma plana para se converter numa “cúpula invertida que sem apoio podia desmoronar em qualquer momento”, refere James.
Segundo Hasam Iman, engenheiro da equipa egípcia, o projecto reabilitará um complexo sistema de galerias subterrâneas e 11 poços de 32 metros, incluindo a câmara funerária que abriga o rei, de 7 metros de largura e construída em granito com revestimento em gesso. Recuperar a mãe de todas as pirâmides ainda vai levar tempo. James enumera as seguintes fases: "reorganizar as pedras e através da perfuração em seco, instalar uma rede com âncoras de aço de 2 a 3 metros para evitar que as pedras caiam na câmara de funerária, mesmo no caso de descargas sísmicas."
Com o coração a salvo, o plano faraónico de restauração só terminará quando a pirâmide tiver uma aparência renovada.
Tutankamon não recebe mais visitas.
Os antigos túmulos faraónicos que têm conservado até hoje as suas cores vivas, vão fechar as portas aos turistas para evitar a sua deterioração pelas visitas contínuas, de modo que no futuro só se poderá contemplar as suas réplicas.
"Estes túmulos ficarão totalmente destruídos dentro de 200 anos devido à respiração dos turistas que os visitam", advertiu numa entrevista o secretário-geral do Conselho Supremo de Antiguidades do Egipto, Zahi Hawas. Os conservadores têm alertado para os perigos da humidade, dos fungos e da má ventilação.Desta forma, Hawas explica o motivo da decisão de encerrar definitivamente alguns túmulos reais na cidade histórica de Luxor, a antiga Tebas, a cerca de 700 quilómetros do sul do Cairo e uma das paradas mais populares dos turistas no Egipto. "A única maneira de proteger estas antiguidades é fechá-las e fazer réplicas das mesmas, para os turistas as poderem visitar", disse Hawas, cujo departamento controla as antiguidades do país.
O famoso túmulo de Tutankamon (de 1361-1352 a.C), descoberto em 1922 pelo arqueólogo britânico Howard Carter no Vale dos Reis em Luxor, e conhecido por ser o único encontrado intacto, será um dos que vai fechar as suas portas brevemente.Também não escaparam a este novo projecto os preciosos túmulos de Seti I, pai de Ramsés II, que reinou entre 1314 e 1304 a.C, no Vale dos Reis, e da rainha Nefertari, esposa de Ramsés II, no Vale das Rainhas. Estes dois túmulos estão fechados.
Mediante o uso de raios lasers, vários especialistas começaram a tirar fotos dos refinados detalhes, desenhos e escritas que adornam as paredes dos três túmulos para os reproduzir na réplica, que irá ser construída no mesmo vale dos Reis, na orla ocidental Nilo.
Alguns especialistas em egiptologia como Basaam el Shamaa, que também trabalha como guia turístico há 25 anos, não gosta da ideia de se fazerem réplicas das antiguidades, mas o que é importante é a manutenção dos templos. "A humidade causada pela respiração e a transpiração dos turistas num mês como o de Agosto, quando as temperaturas no Vale dos Reis atingem mais de 50 ºC, afectam os túmulos", alertou este especialista.
terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2011
sábado, 4 de junho de 2011
sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2011
quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011
terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011
US astronomers launch search for alien life on 86 planets.
This picture taken on March 2010 shows the Karoo Array Telescope construction site in South Africa.
A massive radio telescope in rural West Virginia has begun listening for signs of alien life on 86 possible Earth-like planets, US astronomers said Friday.
The giant dish began this week pointing toward each of the 86 planets -- culled from a list of 1,235 possible planets identified by NASA's Kepler space telescope -- and will gather 24 hours of data on each one.
"It's not absolutely certain that all of these stars have habitable planetary systems, but they're very good places to look for ET," said University of California at Berkeley graduate student Andrew Siemion.
The mission is part of the SETI project, which stands for Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, launched in the mid 1980s.
Last month the SETI Institute announced it was shuttering a major part of its efforts -- a 50 million dollar project with 42 telescope dishes known as the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) -- due to a five million dollar budget shortfall.
ATA began in 2007 and was operated in partnership by the UC Berkeley Radio Astronomy Lab, which has hosted several generations of such experiments. It was funded by the SETI Institute and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
With ATA's dishes in hibernation for now, astronomers hope the powerful Green Bank Telescope, a previous incarnation of which was felled in a windstorm in 1988, will provide targeted information about potential life-supporting planets.
"Our search employs the largest fully steerable radio telescope on the planet, and the most sensitive radio telescope in the world capable of undertaking a SETI search of this kind," Siemion told AFP.
"We will be looking at a much wider range of frequencies and signal types than has ever been possible before," he added, describing the instrumentation as "at the very cutting edge of radio astronomy technology."
The surface of the telescope is 100 by 110 meters and it can record nearly one gigabyte of data per second, Siemion said.
The 17 million pound (7.7 million kilogram) telescope became operational in 2000 and is a project of the NSF's National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
"We've picked out the planets with nice temperatures -- between zero and 100 degrees Celsius -- because they are a lot more likely to harbor life," said physicist Dan Werthimer.
Werthimer heads a three-decade long SETI project in Puerto Rico, home of the world's largest radio telescope, Arecibo. However that project could not observe the same area of the northern sky as the Green Bank telescope, he said.
"With Arecibo, we focus on stars like our Sun, hoping that they have planets around them that emit intelligent signals," Werthimer said in a statement.
"But we've never had a list of planets like this before."
The Green Bank Telescope can scan 300 times the range of frequencies that Arecibo could, meaning that it can collect the same amount of data in one day that Arecibo could in one year.
A massive radio telescope in rural West Virginia has begun listening for signs of alien life on 86 possible Earth-like planets, US astronomers said Friday.
The giant dish began this week pointing toward each of the 86 planets -- culled from a list of 1,235 possible planets identified by NASA's Kepler space telescope -- and will gather 24 hours of data on each one.
"It's not absolutely certain that all of these stars have habitable planetary systems, but they're very good places to look for ET," said University of California at Berkeley graduate student Andrew Siemion.
The mission is part of the SETI project, which stands for Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, launched in the mid 1980s.
Last month the SETI Institute announced it was shuttering a major part of its efforts -- a 50 million dollar project with 42 telescope dishes known as the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) -- due to a five million dollar budget shortfall.
ATA began in 2007 and was operated in partnership by the UC Berkeley Radio Astronomy Lab, which has hosted several generations of such experiments. It was funded by the SETI Institute and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
With ATA's dishes in hibernation for now, astronomers hope the powerful Green Bank Telescope, a previous incarnation of which was felled in a windstorm in 1988, will provide targeted information about potential life-supporting planets.
"Our search employs the largest fully steerable radio telescope on the planet, and the most sensitive radio telescope in the world capable of undertaking a SETI search of this kind," Siemion told AFP.
"We will be looking at a much wider range of frequencies and signal types than has ever been possible before," he added, describing the instrumentation as "at the very cutting edge of radio astronomy technology."
The surface of the telescope is 100 by 110 meters and it can record nearly one gigabyte of data per second, Siemion said.
The 17 million pound (7.7 million kilogram) telescope became operational in 2000 and is a project of the NSF's National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
"We've picked out the planets with nice temperatures -- between zero and 100 degrees Celsius -- because they are a lot more likely to harbor life," said physicist Dan Werthimer.
Werthimer heads a three-decade long SETI project in Puerto Rico, home of the world's largest radio telescope, Arecibo. However that project could not observe the same area of the northern sky as the Green Bank telescope, he said.
"With Arecibo, we focus on stars like our Sun, hoping that they have planets around them that emit intelligent signals," Werthimer said in a statement.
"But we've never had a list of planets like this before."
The Green Bank Telescope can scan 300 times the range of frequencies that Arecibo could, meaning that it can collect the same amount of data in one day that Arecibo could in one year.
The project will likely take about a year to complete, and will be helped by a team of one million at-home astronomers, known as SETI@home users, who will help process the data on personal computers.
The comet Elenin.
On 10 December 2010, Leonid Elenin, a little known amateur Russian astronomer from Lubertsy City, in Russia, discovered Comet C/2010 X1, a comet now universally known as Elenin. The researcher from the Russian Academy of Sciences spotted the C/2010 X1 while reviewing four-minute footage from the ISON-NB Observatory (International Scientific Optical Network's Robotic Observatory) in New Mexico. After he recorded the find in NEO (Near Earth Objects) Confirmation Page, the sighting was later seconded by Aleksei Sergeyev and Artyom Novichonok from the Maidanak Observatory in Uzbekistan, W. H. Ryan (Magdalena Ridge Observatory, New Mexico), R. S. McMillan, J. V. Scotti and M. L. Terenzoni (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona), and H. Sato (another off-site stargazer from the Remote Astronomical Society Observatory, Mayhill), confirming the cometary nature of the 19-magnitude object.
At the time of discovery, an analysis of its orbit predicted that its perihelion (closest orbital distance to the sun) was a very negligible 8.8 Astronomical Unit (1a.u equals 149,598,000 kilometers) from us. Hundreds of thousands of objects of all shapes and sizes emerging from the Oort cloud orbits our sun at that approximate orbital trajectory at any given time, and apart from the significance that it was never tagged before, it appeared to be just like any ordinary ancient wanderer of the solar system.
Recalculation of its orbital path one month later shows that the Elenin's perihelion has shrunk to a projected 0.15 to 0.24 a.u. That distance is still very safe, even if we consider its debris tail that runs for hundreds of miles long. Plus, comparatively speaking, the moon's perihelion stands at 0.00256. However, we are not yet capable of conclusively determining its orbital path, and any projections at this moment of time will be based on a series of conjectures, one of them being that, its perihelion will be on the coming September 10th 2011 measuring at 0.45a.u, which is approximately 67,319,100 kilometers away. Based simply on these projections, Elenin would be visible to land-based observation beginning from mid-August this year, especially since its tail is expected to blaze brightly as its metallic content scatters the sun's rays, deflected of the moon.
Have You Met Elenin?
Elenin, or as it is officially known, Comet C/2010 X1, is a non-periodic comet that is estimated to reach its perihelion with our Sun on September 10, 2011. The 19 magnitude (where a smaller integer indicates a higher level of brightness) comet follows a 9,900 years hyperbolic orbit around our sun. The size for Elenin has yet to be confirmed by NASA. Nevertheless, during perihelion, Elenin will be traveling at speeds in excess of 85,000 km/hr. and its approach will bring its magnitude down to 6, with the occasional 0 at selected locations during dawn. The U.S. Navy, through NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratories, has prepared a trajectory diagram of Elenin on their site http://secchi.nrl.navy.mil/STEREOorbit/C2010_X1.html
Okay, So What's The Real Deal With Elenin?
There appears to be some reservations among amateur astronomy enthusiasts, as well as privately funded entities concerning Leonard Elenin's discovery of the Comet C/2010 X1. There are the obvious questions of his credentials, his fortuitous luck in tracking down a Magnitude 19 moving object when many more well equipped personages have failed to do so, and more importantly, the lack of any notable press coverage over the event.
Instead, speculation is intensifying that Comet C/2010 X1 / Elenin is actually a cover for the real deal: an old brown dwarf, a sister sun for the our Sol - a moving, planetary-size mass of collapsing clouds with three moons that is on a 3,600 year orbit around the galaxy. It has been referred to as Nibiru (D23K9) by some, and NASA's seeming reluctance to dispel the notion has only served to increase and indirectly feed the rumor mill to almost breaking point.
The alternative theory that seems to have gained ground recently is that Elenin/Nibiru's continued approach will eventually see it inadvertently attempting to take control of the Earth's polarity away from the sun. The contest between Elenin/Nibiru, the sun and earth, coupled with the dynamic influence of other planet-sized mass in our solar system would eventually start to affect and ultimately shatter the eons of magnetic stability on earth, along with the underlying gravitational balance that will precipitate major reactions within the earth's core as well as on its surface that could very well lead to a global catastrophe. A shift in the earth magnetic pole is widely anticipated, with many pointing to the recent devastating earthquake in Chile as one of the earliest effect of Elenin/Nibiru. NASA has confirmed that the recent quake has shifted the earth's axis by 3 inches, and shortened the length of our day by 1.26 millionth of a second. However, any attempt to link the incident with the approaching brown dwarf has been dismissed by NASA.
And then, there were two - Comet Honda
Amidst the ongoing controversy over the little known Comet Elenin, a more likely suspect for an ELE (Extinction Level Event) has been left relatively untouched. Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova is projected to reach aphelion (closest orbital distance to earth) in mid-August 2011, with an estimated proximity to earth of 0.06 A.U (astronomical unit), or approximately 9 million kilometers, the closest since comet D/1770 L1 (Lexell) in 1770 and C/1983 H1 (IRAS-Araki-Alcock) in 1983.
The 45P/Honda was first discovered on December 3 1948 by Minoru Honda, an amateur astronomer from Japan. The 45P/Honda is believed to have a diameter of 1.6km, which is significantly larger than both Lexell and IRAS-Araki-Alcock. It follows an elliptical, five and a quarter years orbit around our Sun commencing from the Ophiuchus constellation at the Galactic Equator. The 45P/Honda has a perihelion (closest orbital distance to the Sun) of 0.58A.U, which will occur on September 30 this year.
With the exception of 1954 and 1990, the 45P/Honda's aphelion has become increasingly closer to earth, as shown below. Year Aphelion (in A.U)
1948 0.43
1954 0.59
1969 0.30
1975 0.23
1983 0.11
1990 0.29
1996 0.17
2001 0.11
2006 0.09
2011 0.058
Another interesting aspect of 45P/Honda is its forecasted flyby with Comet Elenin. They will cross path approximately around October 8 this year. Here is a trajectory animation of comets Elenin and 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova.
At the time of discovery, an analysis of its orbit predicted that its perihelion (closest orbital distance to the sun) was a very negligible 8.8 Astronomical Unit (1a.u equals 149,598,000 kilometers) from us. Hundreds of thousands of objects of all shapes and sizes emerging from the Oort cloud orbits our sun at that approximate orbital trajectory at any given time, and apart from the significance that it was never tagged before, it appeared to be just like any ordinary ancient wanderer of the solar system.
Recalculation of its orbital path one month later shows that the Elenin's perihelion has shrunk to a projected 0.15 to 0.24 a.u. That distance is still very safe, even if we consider its debris tail that runs for hundreds of miles long. Plus, comparatively speaking, the moon's perihelion stands at 0.00256. However, we are not yet capable of conclusively determining its orbital path, and any projections at this moment of time will be based on a series of conjectures, one of them being that, its perihelion will be on the coming September 10th 2011 measuring at 0.45a.u, which is approximately 67,319,100 kilometers away. Based simply on these projections, Elenin would be visible to land-based observation beginning from mid-August this year, especially since its tail is expected to blaze brightly as its metallic content scatters the sun's rays, deflected of the moon.
Have You Met Elenin?
Elenin, or as it is officially known, Comet C/2010 X1, is a non-periodic comet that is estimated to reach its perihelion with our Sun on September 10, 2011. The 19 magnitude (where a smaller integer indicates a higher level of brightness) comet follows a 9,900 years hyperbolic orbit around our sun. The size for Elenin has yet to be confirmed by NASA. Nevertheless, during perihelion, Elenin will be traveling at speeds in excess of 85,000 km/hr. and its approach will bring its magnitude down to 6, with the occasional 0 at selected locations during dawn. The U.S. Navy, through NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratories, has prepared a trajectory diagram of Elenin on their site http://secchi.nrl.navy.mil/STEREOorbit/C2010_X1.html
Okay, So What's The Real Deal With Elenin?
There appears to be some reservations among amateur astronomy enthusiasts, as well as privately funded entities concerning Leonard Elenin's discovery of the Comet C/2010 X1. There are the obvious questions of his credentials, his fortuitous luck in tracking down a Magnitude 19 moving object when many more well equipped personages have failed to do so, and more importantly, the lack of any notable press coverage over the event.
Instead, speculation is intensifying that Comet C/2010 X1 / Elenin is actually a cover for the real deal: an old brown dwarf, a sister sun for the our Sol - a moving, planetary-size mass of collapsing clouds with three moons that is on a 3,600 year orbit around the galaxy. It has been referred to as Nibiru (D23K9) by some, and NASA's seeming reluctance to dispel the notion has only served to increase and indirectly feed the rumor mill to almost breaking point.
The alternative theory that seems to have gained ground recently is that Elenin/Nibiru's continued approach will eventually see it inadvertently attempting to take control of the Earth's polarity away from the sun. The contest between Elenin/Nibiru, the sun and earth, coupled with the dynamic influence of other planet-sized mass in our solar system would eventually start to affect and ultimately shatter the eons of magnetic stability on earth, along with the underlying gravitational balance that will precipitate major reactions within the earth's core as well as on its surface that could very well lead to a global catastrophe. A shift in the earth magnetic pole is widely anticipated, with many pointing to the recent devastating earthquake in Chile as one of the earliest effect of Elenin/Nibiru. NASA has confirmed that the recent quake has shifted the earth's axis by 3 inches, and shortened the length of our day by 1.26 millionth of a second. However, any attempt to link the incident with the approaching brown dwarf has been dismissed by NASA.
And then, there were two - Comet Honda
Amidst the ongoing controversy over the little known Comet Elenin, a more likely suspect for an ELE (Extinction Level Event) has been left relatively untouched. Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova is projected to reach aphelion (closest orbital distance to earth) in mid-August 2011, with an estimated proximity to earth of 0.06 A.U (astronomical unit), or approximately 9 million kilometers, the closest since comet D/1770 L1 (Lexell) in 1770 and C/1983 H1 (IRAS-Araki-Alcock) in 1983.
The 45P/Honda was first discovered on December 3 1948 by Minoru Honda, an amateur astronomer from Japan. The 45P/Honda is believed to have a diameter of 1.6km, which is significantly larger than both Lexell and IRAS-Araki-Alcock. It follows an elliptical, five and a quarter years orbit around our Sun commencing from the Ophiuchus constellation at the Galactic Equator. The 45P/Honda has a perihelion (closest orbital distance to the Sun) of 0.58A.U, which will occur on September 30 this year.
With the exception of 1954 and 1990, the 45P/Honda's aphelion has become increasingly closer to earth, as shown below. Year Aphelion (in A.U)
1948 0.43
1954 0.59
1969 0.30
1975 0.23
1983 0.11
1990 0.29
1996 0.17
2001 0.11
2006 0.09
2011 0.058
Another interesting aspect of 45P/Honda is its forecasted flyby with Comet Elenin. They will cross path approximately around October 8 this year. Here is a trajectory animation of comets Elenin and 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova.
Elenin and The Maya
Scientists recently discovered that we are actually late immigrants to the Milky Way! The long held belief that we are citizens of the Milky Way appears to have been debunked with the discovery of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy in 1994 by Rodrigo Ibata, Mike Irwin, and Gerry Gilmore.
Further studies and voluminous amount of data from the infrared telescope Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) by researchers from the University of Massachusetts revealed that the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, our home galaxy, is in the midst of concluding a process that begun millions of years ago - a process of integrating themselves into the 10,000 times bigger Milky Way galaxy.
This process explains why the Milky Way always appears to be slanting sideways in the night sky instead of ecliptic, and why there appears to be a dark depth in the center of it. The orbit of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and the Milky Way, plus to a much smaller extent, the wobble of the earth caused by its spinning along its axis coincides with the planet dipping above and below the center of that dark depth, which is also referred to as Galactic Equator.
Now, how does this relate to the Mayan prophesy, you rightly wonder. Well, let's start in the beginning. The fundamentals of the Mayan calendar and sky charting were 'borrowed' from the Olmec civilization which started their stargazing approximately in 680B.C. The Mayans extrapolated and refined the Olmec's system to assist them in the more mundane aspects of existence, such as crop plating, the appointment of a Sun God and stuff like that. Eventually, they created their own calendars, and paid close attention to the movement of the stars and planets that were marching across our sky.
One of their most popular calendars was called the Tzolkin. The Tzolkin consists of eighteen 20 days month (Uinals), where each of the twenty days is accorded a symbolic significance (a more complicated version of the modern astrology). The eighteen month totals up to 360 days, which is referred to as a Tun year. The sum of twenty of these Tuns is 19 years, eight months and 15 days, or a Katun. A Baktun meanwhile, equals twenty Katuns, or 394 years and four months. Now, thirteen Baktuns gets you one Great Cycle, or 1,872,000 days, which is approximately 5,125 years; the equivalent of one Mayan Great Cycle. Since the Mayan folklore stipulates that the universe was created on August 11, 3114BC, it stands to reason that the end of the cycle will happen exactly 1,872,000 days later, which falls on 11:11GMT, 21 December 2012.
So, how did the Mayans came to the '5,125 year equals one Great Cycle' conclusion, again, you rightly wonder? Elementary, my dear Watson. It's the wobbling stars in the sky. The movement of the stars across the night sky is often accompanied by wobbles in movement that corresponds with the solstices of both the earth and the sun. The wobbles, which coincidentally sounds like a children's TV show, is caused by a minor realignment of our planet along its axis as the gravitational forces and the recently discovered phenomena of the dark energy exerts its influence on earth. A simple (Okay, it's not simple at all. It's hard, like rocket science hard) calculation reveals that our movement and the sun's, in relation to the Galactic Equator, will see the intersection of the Sun's path across our skyline (the Elliptical) and the Galactic Equator. This intersection can only occur every 5,125 years (and the Mayans didn't even have a scientific calculator to help with the counting then - a great many volunteer toes were probably required then)!
To be fair, the Mayans did not prophesize what exactly will happen to the galaxy, which they referred to as the Sacred Tree, then. It could be a simple display of aurora borealis, it could be a period of rebirth or, seeing that the Mayans consider the sun as a representation of their God, Kukulkna, it could also imply (as many seem to be in favor of) a cataclysmic extinction level event.
So you sigh in silence, exasperated, wondering yet again as to the link between Elenin's arrival in September-October 2011 and the Mayan prophesized Armageddon in December 2012. To be as brief as possible, the solar dating system that is the Gregorian calendar that you swear by, inherited a number of flaws in them. The most obvious one would be of the missing day every century, owing to the rounding up of 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.25 seconds to 3651/4 days in the Julian calendar that was used before the Gregorian one, which by the 16th century, saw to the 'disappearance' of 14 days! In addition, Pope Gregory, who authorized the conversion to the Julian calendar in 1582, shifted the calendar by 11 days, which saw the calendar leap from March 4, 1582 to March 15 the next day. In addition, the new calendar is still losing 30 seconds from the solar cycle annually. Add to the fact that the Julian calendar that was adopted by, who else, Julius Caesar in the eight century made a leap of 67 days to sync with the solar cycle, and upon his death, there were confusions with the methodology involved, with the most damaging being the three years leap years (instead of the now common four). Recalculating the Great Cycle in its entirety against the modern calendar, taking into account the faults and adjustments incorporated into it would reveal that the prophesized date would in fact be on October 28, 2011 - within weeks of Elenin's projected perihelion, and more alarmingly, within 12 days of its forecasted perigee (closest orbital distance to the center of earth).
Elenin and The Hopi
The Hopis prophesy ties a little into the Mayan's concept of creation - the Great Cycle. The prophesy has been part of their tribe's oral tradition that has dated back since time immemorial. This is their prophesy, as recited by White Feather of the Bear Clan to Reverend David Young in 1948.
"The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.
"This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.
"This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."
"This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."
"This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."
"This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."
"This is the Sixth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."
"This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."
"This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.
"And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.
"These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands -- with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying. Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon -- very soon afterward -- Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World."
Forget about how the first eight Signs seem eerily familiar to events and characters in the past century. Instead, concentrate on the final Sign, the Ninth sign. There is no way you could miss the meaning behind the phrase. An object of blue color, hurtling in from space would fall and end everything. The Age of Purification?
Scientists recently discovered that we are actually late immigrants to the Milky Way! The long held belief that we are citizens of the Milky Way appears to have been debunked with the discovery of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy in 1994 by Rodrigo Ibata, Mike Irwin, and Gerry Gilmore.
Further studies and voluminous amount of data from the infrared telescope Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) by researchers from the University of Massachusetts revealed that the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, our home galaxy, is in the midst of concluding a process that begun millions of years ago - a process of integrating themselves into the 10,000 times bigger Milky Way galaxy.
This process explains why the Milky Way always appears to be slanting sideways in the night sky instead of ecliptic, and why there appears to be a dark depth in the center of it. The orbit of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy and the Milky Way, plus to a much smaller extent, the wobble of the earth caused by its spinning along its axis coincides with the planet dipping above and below the center of that dark depth, which is also referred to as Galactic Equator.
Now, how does this relate to the Mayan prophesy, you rightly wonder. Well, let's start in the beginning. The fundamentals of the Mayan calendar and sky charting were 'borrowed' from the Olmec civilization which started their stargazing approximately in 680B.C. The Mayans extrapolated and refined the Olmec's system to assist them in the more mundane aspects of existence, such as crop plating, the appointment of a Sun God and stuff like that. Eventually, they created their own calendars, and paid close attention to the movement of the stars and planets that were marching across our sky.
One of their most popular calendars was called the Tzolkin. The Tzolkin consists of eighteen 20 days month (Uinals), where each of the twenty days is accorded a symbolic significance (a more complicated version of the modern astrology). The eighteen month totals up to 360 days, which is referred to as a Tun year. The sum of twenty of these Tuns is 19 years, eight months and 15 days, or a Katun. A Baktun meanwhile, equals twenty Katuns, or 394 years and four months. Now, thirteen Baktuns gets you one Great Cycle, or 1,872,000 days, which is approximately 5,125 years; the equivalent of one Mayan Great Cycle. Since the Mayan folklore stipulates that the universe was created on August 11, 3114BC, it stands to reason that the end of the cycle will happen exactly 1,872,000 days later, which falls on 11:11GMT, 21 December 2012.
So, how did the Mayans came to the '5,125 year equals one Great Cycle' conclusion, again, you rightly wonder? Elementary, my dear Watson. It's the wobbling stars in the sky. The movement of the stars across the night sky is often accompanied by wobbles in movement that corresponds with the solstices of both the earth and the sun. The wobbles, which coincidentally sounds like a children's TV show, is caused by a minor realignment of our planet along its axis as the gravitational forces and the recently discovered phenomena of the dark energy exerts its influence on earth. A simple (Okay, it's not simple at all. It's hard, like rocket science hard) calculation reveals that our movement and the sun's, in relation to the Galactic Equator, will see the intersection of the Sun's path across our skyline (the Elliptical) and the Galactic Equator. This intersection can only occur every 5,125 years (and the Mayans didn't even have a scientific calculator to help with the counting then - a great many volunteer toes were probably required then)!
To be fair, the Mayans did not prophesize what exactly will happen to the galaxy, which they referred to as the Sacred Tree, then. It could be a simple display of aurora borealis, it could be a period of rebirth or, seeing that the Mayans consider the sun as a representation of their God, Kukulkna, it could also imply (as many seem to be in favor of) a cataclysmic extinction level event.
So you sigh in silence, exasperated, wondering yet again as to the link between Elenin's arrival in September-October 2011 and the Mayan prophesized Armageddon in December 2012. To be as brief as possible, the solar dating system that is the Gregorian calendar that you swear by, inherited a number of flaws in them. The most obvious one would be of the missing day every century, owing to the rounding up of 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.25 seconds to 3651/4 days in the Julian calendar that was used before the Gregorian one, which by the 16th century, saw to the 'disappearance' of 14 days! In addition, Pope Gregory, who authorized the conversion to the Julian calendar in 1582, shifted the calendar by 11 days, which saw the calendar leap from March 4, 1582 to March 15 the next day. In addition, the new calendar is still losing 30 seconds from the solar cycle annually. Add to the fact that the Julian calendar that was adopted by, who else, Julius Caesar in the eight century made a leap of 67 days to sync with the solar cycle, and upon his death, there were confusions with the methodology involved, with the most damaging being the three years leap years (instead of the now common four). Recalculating the Great Cycle in its entirety against the modern calendar, taking into account the faults and adjustments incorporated into it would reveal that the prophesized date would in fact be on October 28, 2011 - within weeks of Elenin's projected perihelion, and more alarmingly, within 12 days of its forecasted perigee (closest orbital distance to the center of earth).
Elenin and The Hopi
The Hopis prophesy ties a little into the Mayan's concept of creation - the Great Cycle. The prophesy has been part of their tribe's oral tradition that has dated back since time immemorial. This is their prophesy, as recited by White Feather of the Bear Clan to Reverend David Young in 1948.
"The Fourth World shall end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. This the elders everywhere know. The Signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.
"This is the First Sign: We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana men who took the land that was not theirs. And men who struck their enemies with thunder.
"This is the Second Sign: Our lands will see the coming of spinning wheels filled with voices. In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes -- the white men bringing their families in wagons across the prairies."
"This is the Third Sign: A strange beast like a buffalo but with great long horns, will overrun the land in large numbers. These White Feather saw with his eyes -- the coming of the white men's cattle."
"This is the Fourth Sign: The land will be crossed by snakes of iron."
"This is the Fifth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spider's web."
"This is the Sixth Sign: The land shall be criss-crossed with rivers of stone that make pictures in the sun."
"This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it."
"This is the Eight Sign: You will see many youth, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom.
"And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.
"These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands -- with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying. Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe. Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon -- very soon afterward -- Pahana will return. He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World."
Forget about how the first eight Signs seem eerily familiar to events and characters in the past century. Instead, concentrate on the final Sign, the Ninth sign. There is no way you could miss the meaning behind the phrase. An object of blue color, hurtling in from space would fall and end everything. The Age of Purification?
Cached from www.elenin.org.
The Twelfth Planet Nibiru (Planet X).
Also known as The Twelfth Planet or Planet X, some are warning that this wandering body is quickly nearing the Earth - and could cause global devastation. Should you worry?
In 1976, Zecharia Sitchin stirred up a great deal of controversy with the publication of his book, The Twelfth Planet. In this and subsequent books, Sitchin presented his literal translations of ancient Sumerian texts which told an incredible story about the origins of humankind on planet Earth - a story far different and much more fantastic than what we all learned in school.
The ancient cuneiform texts - some of the earliest known writing, dating back some 6,000 years - told the story of a race of beings called the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki came to Earth from a planet in our solar system called Nibiru, according to the Sumerians via Sitchin. If you`ve never heard of it, that`s because mainstream science does not recognize Nibiru as one of the planets that revolves around our Sun. Yet it is there, claims Sitchin, and its presence holds great importance not only for humankind`s past, but our future as well.
Nibiru`s orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical, according to Sitchin`s books, taking it out beyond the orbit of Pluto at its farthest point and bringing it as close to the Sun as the far side of the asteroid belt (a ring of asteroids that is known to occupy a band of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter). It takes Nibiru 3,600 years to complete one orbital journey, and it was last in this vicinity around 160 B.C.E. As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system, as it is claimed for Nibiru, could wreak havoc on the orbits of other planets, disrupt the asteroid belt and spell big trouble for planet Earth.
Well, prepare for yet another possible apocalypse because, they say, Nibiru is once again heading this way - and will be here soon.
A Bit of History
The story of the Anunnaki is told in Sitchin`s many books and is digested, augmented and speculated about in dozens of websites. But the tale is essentially this: About 450,000 years ago, Alalu, the deposed ruler of the Anunnaki on Nibiru, escaped the planet on a spaceship and found refuge on Earth. He discovered that Earth had plenty of gold, which Nibiru needed to protect its diminishing atmosphere. They began to mine Earth`s gold, and there were a lot of political battles among the Anunnaki for power. Then around 300,000 years or so ago, the Anunnaki decided to C R E A T E a race of workers by genetically manipulating the primates on the planet. The result was homo sapiens - us. Eventually, rulership of the Earth was handed over to humans and the Anunnaki left, at least for the time being. Sitchin ties all this - and much more - into the stories of the first books of the Bible and the histories of other ancient cultures, especially Egyptian.
It`s an astonishing story, to say the least. Most historians, anthropologists and archeologists consider it all Sumerian myth, of course. But Sitchin`s work has C R E A T Ed a diehard cadre of believers and researchers who take the story at face value. And some of them, whose ideas are getting widespread attention thanks to the Internet, contend that the return of Nibiru is close at hand - possibly as soon as somewhere between 2003 and 2013!
Even mainstream astronomers have long speculated that there may be an unknown planet - a Planet X - somewhere out beyond the orbit of Pluto that would account for the anomalies they were detecting in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. Some unseen body seems to be tugging at them. The finding was reported in the June 19, 1982 edition of the New York Times:
Something out there beyond the furthest reaches of the known solar system is tugging at Uranus and Neptune. A gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object, the long-sought Planet X. Astronomers are so certain of this planet`s existence that they have already named it "Planet X - the 10th Planet."
The anomalous body was first spotted in 1983 by IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), according to news stories. The Washington Post reported: "A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby `protostar` that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through."
Nibiru supporters contend that IRAS has, in fact, spotted the wandering planet.
"A Mystery Revolves Around the Sun," an article posted by MSNBC on October 7, 1999 said: "Two teams of researchers have proposed the existence of an unseen planet or a failed star circling the sun at a distance of more than 2 trillion miles, far beyond the orbits of the nine known planets... Planetary scientist at Britain`s Open University, speculates that the object could be a planet larger than Jupiter." And in December, 2000, SpaceDaily reported on "Another Candidate For `Planet X` Spotted."
Another article and photo appeared in Discovery News: "Large Object Discovered Orbiting Sun." The article, published in July, 2001, says, "The discovery of a large reddish chunk of something orbiting in Pluto`s neighborhood has re-ignited the idea that there may be more than nine planets in the solar system." Naming it 2001 KX76. the discoverers estimate that it is smaller than our Moon and might have an elongated orbit, but they gave no indication that it was heading this way.
Mark Hazelwood, who has a large website warning about the impending arrival of Nibiru and how we should prepare for it, suggests that all of these news stories lend credence to the existence of the Anunnaki`s Nibiru (although none of the articles said the celestial body was heading toward Earth). But Hazelwood says his research indicates that Nibiru will be here in the Spring of 2003, though he isn`t specific about how he arrived at that precise time period. This website about Planet X narrows it down even further to "late Spring or early Summer of 2003, probably May or June," although they don`t specify their reasoning either.
Andy Lloyd isn`t as pessimistic - or at least his calculations are different. Since he speculates that Nibiru was actually the Star of Bethlehem seen about 2,000 years ago, "the problem faced by humanity as Nibiru again enters the planetary zone will fall to our descendants 50 generations hence."
But Kent Steadman at the Sentinal section of Cyberspaceorbit.com is tracking Nibiru based on the Spring/Summer 2003 scenario and offers several star charts, timetables and other illustrations that show where Planet X will supposedly cross the inner solar system.
What Will Be the Effects on Earth?
As stated before, the gravitational pull of a planet entering the inner solar system would have profound effects on the other orbiting bodies, including Earth. In fact, the Anunnaki story says that a previous appearance of Nibiru was responsible for the "Great Flood" recorded in Genesis, in which nearly all life on our planet was extinguished (but saved, thanks to Noah). Going even further back, some researchers into this topic suspect that Nibiru once even collided with Earth millions of years ago, creating the asteroid belt and resulting in the enormous gouges in our planet that the oceans now fill.
Mark Hazelwood and others say that Earth is in for some massive and catastrophic changes as Nibiru approaches. Floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, a pole shift and other natural disasters will be so severe, Hazelwood says, that "only a few hundred million people will survive." Another site says the gravitational pull of Nibiru might even stop the Earth`s rotation for three days, citing the "three days of darkness" predicted in the Bible.
Some of the Nibiru researchers also cite the prophecies of Edgar Cayce who predicted that we would soon suffer monumental Earth changes and a pole shift, even though he did not attribute them to anything as specific as a visiting planet. And, of course, the much-analyzed Mayan calendar is said to set the "end of world" in December, 2012.
Astronomers and other scientists who would seem to be in a position to know such things have made no announcements about the approach of any planet-sized body. Apparently, they have not detected anything of the kind. Those who believe Nibiru is approaching, however, say that scientists do know all about it and are just covering it up.
As with any such predictions, time will tell.
The ancient cuneiform texts - some of the earliest known writing, dating back some 6,000 years - told the story of a race of beings called the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki came to Earth from a planet in our solar system called Nibiru, according to the Sumerians via Sitchin. If you`ve never heard of it, that`s because mainstream science does not recognize Nibiru as one of the planets that revolves around our Sun. Yet it is there, claims Sitchin, and its presence holds great importance not only for humankind`s past, but our future as well.
Nibiru`s orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical, according to Sitchin`s books, taking it out beyond the orbit of Pluto at its farthest point and bringing it as close to the Sun as the far side of the asteroid belt (a ring of asteroids that is known to occupy a band of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter). It takes Nibiru 3,600 years to complete one orbital journey, and it was last in this vicinity around 160 B.C.E. As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system, as it is claimed for Nibiru, could wreak havoc on the orbits of other planets, disrupt the asteroid belt and spell big trouble for planet Earth.
Well, prepare for yet another possible apocalypse because, they say, Nibiru is once again heading this way - and will be here soon.
A Bit of History
The story of the Anunnaki is told in Sitchin`s many books and is digested, augmented and speculated about in dozens of websites. But the tale is essentially this: About 450,000 years ago, Alalu, the deposed ruler of the Anunnaki on Nibiru, escaped the planet on a spaceship and found refuge on Earth. He discovered that Earth had plenty of gold, which Nibiru needed to protect its diminishing atmosphere. They began to mine Earth`s gold, and there were a lot of political battles among the Anunnaki for power. Then around 300,000 years or so ago, the Anunnaki decided to C R E A T E a race of workers by genetically manipulating the primates on the planet. The result was homo sapiens - us. Eventually, rulership of the Earth was handed over to humans and the Anunnaki left, at least for the time being. Sitchin ties all this - and much more - into the stories of the first books of the Bible and the histories of other ancient cultures, especially Egyptian.
It`s an astonishing story, to say the least. Most historians, anthropologists and archeologists consider it all Sumerian myth, of course. But Sitchin`s work has C R E A T Ed a diehard cadre of believers and researchers who take the story at face value. And some of them, whose ideas are getting widespread attention thanks to the Internet, contend that the return of Nibiru is close at hand - possibly as soon as somewhere between 2003 and 2013!
Even mainstream astronomers have long speculated that there may be an unknown planet - a Planet X - somewhere out beyond the orbit of Pluto that would account for the anomalies they were detecting in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. Some unseen body seems to be tugging at them. The finding was reported in the June 19, 1982 edition of the New York Times:
Something out there beyond the furthest reaches of the known solar system is tugging at Uranus and Neptune. A gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object, the long-sought Planet X. Astronomers are so certain of this planet`s existence that they have already named it "Planet X - the 10th Planet."
The anomalous body was first spotted in 1983 by IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), according to news stories. The Washington Post reported: "A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby `protostar` that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through."
Nibiru supporters contend that IRAS has, in fact, spotted the wandering planet.
"A Mystery Revolves Around the Sun," an article posted by MSNBC on October 7, 1999 said: "Two teams of researchers have proposed the existence of an unseen planet or a failed star circling the sun at a distance of more than 2 trillion miles, far beyond the orbits of the nine known planets... Planetary scientist at Britain`s Open University, speculates that the object could be a planet larger than Jupiter." And in December, 2000, SpaceDaily reported on "Another Candidate For `Planet X` Spotted."
Another article and photo appeared in Discovery News: "Large Object Discovered Orbiting Sun." The article, published in July, 2001, says, "The discovery of a large reddish chunk of something orbiting in Pluto`s neighborhood has re-ignited the idea that there may be more than nine planets in the solar system." Naming it 2001 KX76. the discoverers estimate that it is smaller than our Moon and might have an elongated orbit, but they gave no indication that it was heading this way.
Mark Hazelwood, who has a large website warning about the impending arrival of Nibiru and how we should prepare for it, suggests that all of these news stories lend credence to the existence of the Anunnaki`s Nibiru (although none of the articles said the celestial body was heading toward Earth). But Hazelwood says his research indicates that Nibiru will be here in the Spring of 2003, though he isn`t specific about how he arrived at that precise time period. This website about Planet X narrows it down even further to "late Spring or early Summer of 2003, probably May or June," although they don`t specify their reasoning either.
Andy Lloyd isn`t as pessimistic - or at least his calculations are different. Since he speculates that Nibiru was actually the Star of Bethlehem seen about 2,000 years ago, "the problem faced by humanity as Nibiru again enters the planetary zone will fall to our descendants 50 generations hence."
But Kent Steadman at the Sentinal section of Cyberspaceorbit.com is tracking Nibiru based on the Spring/Summer 2003 scenario and offers several star charts, timetables and other illustrations that show where Planet X will supposedly cross the inner solar system.
What Will Be the Effects on Earth?
As stated before, the gravitational pull of a planet entering the inner solar system would have profound effects on the other orbiting bodies, including Earth. In fact, the Anunnaki story says that a previous appearance of Nibiru was responsible for the "Great Flood" recorded in Genesis, in which nearly all life on our planet was extinguished (but saved, thanks to Noah). Going even further back, some researchers into this topic suspect that Nibiru once even collided with Earth millions of years ago, creating the asteroid belt and resulting in the enormous gouges in our planet that the oceans now fill.
Mark Hazelwood and others say that Earth is in for some massive and catastrophic changes as Nibiru approaches. Floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, a pole shift and other natural disasters will be so severe, Hazelwood says, that "only a few hundred million people will survive." Another site says the gravitational pull of Nibiru might even stop the Earth`s rotation for three days, citing the "three days of darkness" predicted in the Bible.
Some of the Nibiru researchers also cite the prophecies of Edgar Cayce who predicted that we would soon suffer monumental Earth changes and a pole shift, even though he did not attribute them to anything as specific as a visiting planet. And, of course, the much-analyzed Mayan calendar is said to set the "end of world" in December, 2012.
Astronomers and other scientists who would seem to be in a position to know such things have made no announcements about the approach of any planet-sized body. Apparently, they have not detected anything of the kind. Those who believe Nibiru is approaching, however, say that scientists do know all about it and are just covering it up.
As with any such predictions, time will tell.
sábado, 14 de maio de 2011
terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2011
Praise him.
What about "LORD" & "GOD"?
It should also be pointed out that the Hebrew term "Baal" means "lord", and is the supreme male divinity of the Phoenicians/Canaanites and several other of the Middle Eastern deities. So calling on "the Lord/LORD" would mean calling on any of any one of the demonic "Baalim", including one of the most popular, Baal-Ga(w)d [i.e. "GOD"], which the Israelites were led astray by, as Isaiah shows:
Isaiah 65:11 But ye are they that forsake YAHWEH, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for GOD, and that furnish the drink offering unto MENI.
GOD, from the Hebrew [גד] G-D, was first transliterated in our English bibles as "GaD", but pronounced "Gawd", from which we get "GOD". Obviously if our Bibles were properly translated, this gross injustice would be blatantly seen, and everyone would realize that YAHWEH, The Heavenly Father, the MightyOne of Israel, and "GOD", are two different entities! The name "GOD" is a derivative of a term meaning to invade and attack, which in turn stems from a word meaning to cut, thus the meaning of "GOD" is essentially Divide and Conquer.
It is also noteworthy that the English etymology of "GOD" traces to ancient Sanskrit, meaning to invoke by incantation, magic, and to cut or mutilate. So both the English and Hebrew roots of GOD have the same underlying connotation of Division.
It may not make a difference to some people, but it does to Him, and in the Judgment, it will to you too! Everyone is accountable!
Who is GOD? There was an angel that divided the angelic host (Rev 12:4) and tried to elevate himself to a position of worship, invading heaven itself.
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of Elohim: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. [Isa 14:12-14]
The fallen angel "Lucifer" is the one that divided the angels and invaded heaven, thus acquiring the name Divide & Conquer, i.e. GOD, thus deceiving the whole world (Rev 12:9). Lucifer is the GOD of this world!
That this was a popular deity around the Samaria region is attested to the fact that there is a major city dedicated to this Baalgad, a.k.a. "Lord-GOD". (Joshua 11:17, 12:7, 13:5) So it would seem that the practice of substitution, as mentioned in Rivista BiblicaI applied to more than just the tetragrammaton, going so far as to putting the name of the deity "GOD" in the place of the Hebrew term "Elohim", which means "MightyOnes". So not only was the eternal name of our Heavenly Father replaced by "Baal", or "the LORD", Elohim was in turn replaced with the Hebrew name, GOD, the name of the demonic entity, Lucifer!
Lucifer, having acquired the name meaning Divide & Conquer, i.e. GOD, may have failed in ousting YAHWEH off His heavenly throne, but through his perverted influence and manipulation of men has succeeded in replacing YAHWEH with his own name in YAHWEH'S own Word, so that the world inadvertently praises Satan.
It should also be pointed out that the Hebrew term "Baal" means "lord", and is the supreme male divinity of the Phoenicians/Canaanites and several other of the Middle Eastern deities. So calling on "the Lord/LORD" would mean calling on any of any one of the demonic "Baalim", including one of the most popular, Baal-Ga(w)d [i.e. "GOD"], which the Israelites were led astray by, as Isaiah shows:
Isaiah 65:11 But ye are they that forsake YAHWEH, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for GOD, and that furnish the drink offering unto MENI.
GOD, from the Hebrew [גד] G-D, was first transliterated in our English bibles as "GaD", but pronounced "Gawd", from which we get "GOD". Obviously if our Bibles were properly translated, this gross injustice would be blatantly seen, and everyone would realize that YAHWEH, The Heavenly Father, the MightyOne of Israel, and "GOD", are two different entities! The name "GOD" is a derivative of a term meaning to invade and attack, which in turn stems from a word meaning to cut, thus the meaning of "GOD" is essentially Divide and Conquer.
It is also noteworthy that the English etymology of "GOD" traces to ancient Sanskrit, meaning to invoke by incantation, magic, and to cut or mutilate. So both the English and Hebrew roots of GOD have the same underlying connotation of Division.
It may not make a difference to some people, but it does to Him, and in the Judgment, it will to you too! Everyone is accountable!
Who is GOD? There was an angel that divided the angelic host (Rev 12:4) and tried to elevate himself to a position of worship, invading heaven itself.
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of Elohim: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. [Isa 14:12-14]
The fallen angel "Lucifer" is the one that divided the angels and invaded heaven, thus acquiring the name Divide & Conquer, i.e. GOD, thus deceiving the whole world (Rev 12:9). Lucifer is the GOD of this world!
That this was a popular deity around the Samaria region is attested to the fact that there is a major city dedicated to this Baalgad, a.k.a. "Lord-GOD". (Joshua 11:17, 12:7, 13:5) So it would seem that the practice of substitution, as mentioned in Rivista BiblicaI applied to more than just the tetragrammaton, going so far as to putting the name of the deity "GOD" in the place of the Hebrew term "Elohim", which means "MightyOnes". So not only was the eternal name of our Heavenly Father replaced by "Baal", or "the LORD", Elohim was in turn replaced with the Hebrew name, GOD, the name of the demonic entity, Lucifer!
Lucifer, having acquired the name meaning Divide & Conquer, i.e. GOD, may have failed in ousting YAHWEH off His heavenly throne, but through his perverted influence and manipulation of men has succeeded in replacing YAHWEH with his own name in YAHWEH'S own Word, so that the world inadvertently praises Satan.
quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011
Viagens no tempo.
Em boa hora tirei esta foto, numa das minhas caminhadas de noite.
Faz-nos viajar no tempo de certa forma.
Espero que gostem tanto dela como eu.
Faz-nos viajar no tempo de certa forma.
Espero que gostem tanto dela como eu.
terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2011
Fim de Tarde.
segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011
Para que nunca se esqueça a história tem sempre dois lados.
1. António Lage, (servente). Trabalhava na sede da PIDE/DGS em Lisboa, na messe. Foi
assassinado no dia 25 de Abril, com um tiro nas costas, quando ignorando a situação se
deslocava a casa. Este foi o primeiro crime feito pelos abrilistas no próprio dia 25. Não
permitiram que fosse socorrido pelos bombeiros de Campo de Ourique que ocorreram ao
local. Os jornais escreveram sobre esta morte.
2. Lima Trindade (chefe de brigada), morreu num hospital, para onde tardiamente foi
transferido nas últimas horas que lhe restavam de vida. A falta de assistência médica
aconteceu na cadeia de Pinheiro da Cruz em Grândola, sendo os presos de delito comum
que prestavam serviço na enfermaria da cadeia, que informaram que lhe faltaram os
cuidados médicos necessários, garantindo que só mesmo quando a situação era extremamente
grave, é que o transportaram para o hospital.
3. Cândido Pires (subinspector). Morreu devido a torturas a que foi sujeito na cadeia de
Caxias. Tortura psicológica e simulações de fuzilamento ocasionaram a morte.
4. Naia, (chefe de brigada) que devido aos maus tratos sofridos na cadeia de Caxias veio a
morrer pouco tempo após ter sido solto.
5. Guarda Prisional de Moçambique (de raça preta que tinha a alcunha de “Comboio”).
Estava doente, julgo que por nostalgia. Foi conduzido ao Hospital e lá morreu. Consta,
que no hospital foi colocado numa maca até que morreu sem assistência médica.
6. Civil que estava na cela 13 em Caxias e lá se enforcou. Eu estava na cela ao lado. Sem
o ver, cheguei a falar-lhe pelas grades da janela. O indivíduo dizia não saber porque
estava preso. Vi por uma greta da porta da minha cela, passar a maca como corpo.
(Nunca cheguei a saber quem era).
7. Fernando Gonçalves. Morreu na Cadeia Penitenciaria de Lisboa por falta de assistência
médica que foi vária vezes solicitada por outros colegas presos. Esta morte deu lugar à
conhecida “Revolta dos Pides na Penitenciária”, que tomaram o controlo total da cadeia.
Alguns chegaram a vir à rua matar saudades e beber uma “bica”, mas ninguém fugiu.
Na época, mandava na Comissão de extinção da PIDE/DGS, o general Galvão de Melo
que recebeu uma comissão de representantes dos presos.
8. Leitão Bernardino (Director de Serviços) que morreu na prisão hospital de Caxias por
falta de assistência médica que foi insistentemente pedida pelos colegas de cela em
Caxias. Sem possibilidade de o socorrer, a sua morte foi presenciada por outro colega
(chefe de brigada) que estava na cama ao lado.
9. José Pereira, (agente) que trabalhou no Aeroporto de Lisboa e que mandaram para
casa para não se poder dizer que morreu na cadeia. Sistema usado após torturas que
punham em risco a vida dos interrogados e na previsão que iriam morrer.
10. Henrique de Sá e Seixas, (inspector), que estava a morrer em resultado das torturas
a que foi sujeito na cadeia de Caxias, foi enviado para casa para morrer, salvo erro no
dia seguinte. A esposa que era cega, foi atormentada por indivíduos que iam a casa dela
e a agrediam, pressionando-a a convencer o marido a “alinhar” nos interrogatórios a que
o sujeitavam em Caxias. A senhora morreu dias antes do marido chegar a casa.
11. Nota: Estas informações foram-me relatadas por um amigo, funcionário da PIDE/DGS,
que esteve preso nos locais referidos vivendo as situações relatadas.
Artur Silva -- Santarém
Obs: Retirado do site http://www.oliveirasalazar.org
quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011
quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2011
160 curiosos.
Tantos curiosos, quer dizer 160 e nem uma palavrinha das duas uma, não têm opinião, não sabem ler Português, ou simplesmente não gostam, ou então pode ser que concordem com tudo e nem seja preciso dar opinião.
Tá visto que não vai ser à conta deste blogue que vou ficar na história.
Vou andar de olho no contador.
Tá visto que não vai ser à conta deste blogue que vou ficar na história.
E porque nem só dos pólos se vive.
Deixo aqui três livros de leitura quase obrigatória, são eles:
1 - O Mistério de Belicena Villca de Nimrod de Rosario.
2 - O Segredo das Runas de Guido Von List.
3 - Sabedoria Hiperbórea de Nimrod de Rosario.
Eles andam pela net é so procurar dado que comprar não deve ser fácil pelo menos em Portugal.
1 - O Mistério de Belicena Villca de Nimrod de Rosario.
2 - O Segredo das Runas de Guido Von List.
3 - Sabedoria Hiperbórea de Nimrod de Rosario.
Eles andam pela net é so procurar dado que comprar não deve ser fácil pelo menos em Portugal.
terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2011
"Hrafninn Flýgur/The Raven Flies"
Um filme Islandês de 1984 sobre Vikings.
Ireland: Vikings pillage the land, seeking silver and slaves, slaying men and women in the process. A young boy is spared when a Viking takes pity on him instead of killing him. Iceland 20 years later: The boy returns to take his revenge on the killers, the Norwegian foster brothers; Thord and Eirik, by cunning and hidden weapons.
Ireland: Vikings pillage the land, seeking silver and slaves, slaying men and women in the process. A young boy is spared when a Viking takes pity on him instead of killing him. Iceland 20 years later: The boy returns to take his revenge on the killers, the Norwegian foster brothers; Thord and Eirik, by cunning and hidden weapons.
quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011
Arquivos do FBI
Quem quiser saber mais alguma informação sobre alguns ficheiros do FBI aqui fica o link, não esperem verdades do outro mundo serve apenas como curiosidade.
sexta-feira, 25 de março de 2011
Sobre Fernando Pessoa.
Provavelmente já todos conhecem esta obra falada sobre o poeta maior Fernando Pessoa de qualquer maneira e para aqueles que ainda nao conhecem aqui fica.
Um cd triplo editado pela Companhia Nacional de Música sendo que o primeiro cd é recitado por João Villaret e o segundo por Mário Viegas.
Álvaro de Campos
Fernando Pessoa (Ortónimo)
Ricardo Reis (4 odes)
Alberto Caeiro (Três poemas de "O Guardador de Rebanhos")
Alberto Caeiro - O Guardador de Rebanhos
Alberto Caeiro - O Guardador de Rebanhos (continuação)
Alguns "Poemas Inconjuntos"
Um cd triplo editado pela Companhia Nacional de Música sendo que o primeiro cd é recitado por João Villaret e o segundo por Mário Viegas.
Álvaro de Campos
Fernando Pessoa (Ortónimo)
Ricardo Reis (4 odes)
Alberto Caeiro (Três poemas de "O Guardador de Rebanhos")
Alberto Caeiro - O Guardador de Rebanhos
Alberto Caeiro - O Guardador de Rebanhos (continuação)
Alguns "Poemas Inconjuntos"
E como cultura nunca fez mal a ninguem.
Proponho a leitura do livro de Jorge Morais intitulado "Os Últimos Dias da Monarquia" com prefácio do Prof. Doutor António Reis.
Um livro que nos leva de 1908 até 1910 e traça os acontecimentos que levaram a queda da Monarquia.
Editora Zéfiro
Um livro que nos leva de 1908 até 1910 e traça os acontecimentos que levaram a queda da Monarquia.
Editora Zéfiro
quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2011
Portugal onde estás?
O DOS CASTELOS A Europa jaz, posta nos cotovelos: De Oriente a Ocidente jaz, fitando, E toldam-lhe românticos cabelos Olhos gregos, lembrando. O cotovelo esquerdo é recuado; O direito é em ângulo disposto. Aquele diz Itália onde é pousado; Este diz Inglaterra onde, afastado, A mão sustenta, em que se apoia o rosto. Fita, com olhar esfíngico e fatal, O Ocidente, futuro do passado. O rosto com que fita é Portugal.
quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2011
Mensagens (Atom)